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Pg 53 of 91
Lips stapled shut Violent / Apr 19, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 2,430 views Two rednecks fight two black guys Violent / Apr 18, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 12,709 views Skateboarder smashes face on cement Violent / Apr 18, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 1,885 views Excessive force or not? Violent / Apr 17, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 4,742 views Emo kid gets his ass kicked Violent / Apr 17, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 7,126 views Border patrol agent shoots an illegal immigrant Violent / Apr 17, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 4,935 views Hungry pelican eats a pigeon Violent / Apr 16, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 5,239 views Dude gets the most savage beating of his life Violent / Apr 16, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 12,912 views Insurgent detonates a bomb and gets wasted Violent / Apr 16, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 7,163 views Girls on man-poline Violent / Apr 15, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 5,954 views How to fuck up your knees Violent / Apr 15, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 3,261 views Kids throw stones at human rights workers Violent / Apr 15, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 2,487 views Violent high school beating Violent / Apr 14, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 13,439 views This kid is lucky to be alive Violent / Apr 14, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 4,509 views The last footage of a guillotine in use Violent / Apr 14, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 12,287 views Brutal fight between guy and girl Violent / Apr 13, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 10,998 views Wrestling moves gone painfully wrong Violent / Apr 13, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 4,582 views Insurgent confessing gruesome acts Violent / Apr 13, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 2,988 views Karate kick during basketball game Violent / Apr 13, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 5,452 views When PTA meetings go bad Violent / Apr 12, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 6,817 views Decapitation attempt with a dull sword Violent / Apr 12, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 11,992 views Reporter gets sucked punched Violent / Apr 12, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 4,183 views Random street fights Violent / Apr 11, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 5,816 views Classic: Alcohol + Fire = Pain Violent / Apr 11, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 2,598 views Man accidentally hangs himself Violent / Apr 11, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 10,277 views Matt Serra vs. Georges St. Pierre Violent / Apr 11, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 6,383 views How to catch a murder suspect Violent / Apr 10, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 7,114 views Quick and nasty beatdown Violent / Apr 10, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 8,102 views 14 year old beats up the school bully Violent / Apr 10, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 14,151 views Two cute chicks scrap it out Violent / Apr 09, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 9,181 views Hand grenade hostage rescue Violent / Apr 09, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 6,865 views Italian cops deal with English footbal fans Violent / Apr 08, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 5,765 views Bare-knuckle girl brawl Violent / Apr 08, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 5,768 views Dumb chick gets her ass kicked Violent / Apr 08, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 6,055 views Old man gets a nasty sucker punch Violent / Apr 08, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 2,182 views Monstrous slap knock guy out Violent / Apr 07, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 6,458 views Mexican gang member beheaded Violent / Apr 07, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 13,353 views Teacher shoots colleague in front of pupils Violent / Apr 07, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 10,009 views Brokeback mountain gone violent Violent / Apr 06, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 6,349 views Guy punches a chick in the face Violent / Apr 06, 2007 / Source: TheKing / 8,781 views
