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Sex 'bomb' is blown up News / Mar 23, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 2,777 views Free iPod -- um, not really News / Mar 22, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 8,613 views Devil Turtle News / Mar 21, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 4,301 views Girl helps dad commit suicide News / Mar 19, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 6,216 views Hewitt admits to boob site obsession News / Mar 19, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 14,260 views Life for 'cannibal' killer News / Mar 18, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 5,021 views Woman jailed for $0.96 tax bill News / Mar 18, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 3,341 views Case opens eyes of driver seeking shut-eye photo News / Mar 18, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 3,629 views Hook to the Face News / Mar 18, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 3,522 views Dentist Fun... News / Mar 17, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 7,445 views Human Skulls, Guns Found In Blood-Covered Shed News / Mar 16, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 4,880 views Man Says Stranger Left Kids With Him, Stole TV News / Mar 16, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 3,014 views Should have picked a judge trial News / Mar 16, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 1,584 views 4-year old shoots 2-year old brother News / Mar 15, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 2,912 views Uncontrollable Pooping Get Burglar Caught News / Mar 15, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 4,542 views Republican Bans Gun News / Mar 15, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 7,477 views Another man cuts off penis, eats it News / Mar 14, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 4,002 views Boy who raped teacher given life News / Mar 13, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 15,213 views Judge, 2 others killed at Atlanta courthouse News / Mar 13, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 2,794 views Tasering Suspect To Get Urine Sample News / Mar 13, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 3,816 views Teen faces charges for semen prank News / Mar 12, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 6,063 views Point, click and shoot News / Mar 12, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 6,037 views Heaven Can Wait, Court Tells Dying Man News / Mar 12, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 1,712 views Man Dies After Winning Tequila-Drinking Contest News / Mar 12, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 4,403 views Dog subpoenaed as witness in murder case News / Mar 12, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 2,429 views Brazilian believed to be World’s oldest Woman News / Mar 10, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 5,149 views Get this off my penis News / Mar 08, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 8,510 views Stun Gun Used On Handcuffed, 13-Year-Old Girl News / Mar 08, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 8,562 views Cat survives 10-mile trip on top of car News / Mar 08, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 2,611 views Chimpanzee Attack News / Mar 07, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 6,855 views Lobster weighed 23 pounds News / Mar 06, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 6,783 views City promises billboard fame to shame Johns. News / Mar 05, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 5,058 views Worst superpower ever News / Mar 04, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 6,370 views Teacher Makes Boy Spray Self With Lysol News / Mar 04, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 2,559 views Police investigate after boy's mother finds letter News / Mar 03, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 6,055 views Neillsville man charged with sex with animal News / Mar 02, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 3,959 views Socially inadequate? Meet V-girl News / Feb 28, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 7,786 views Firm hits brakes on road kill candy News / Feb 28, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 2,833 views Sperm theft case thrown out News / Feb 27, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 4,319 views Kyoto protest beaten back by petrol traders News / Feb 24, 2005 / Source: TheKing / 4,325 views
