Stoner Dating Is The Hottest New Trend
Posted on June 20, 2020
It's not a new trend if you find yourself attracted to girls who smoke weed. There casual, chill approach to life is a far cry from the typical high-maintenance experience some of us have grown accustomed to dating. But there is more to the story than just that. Stoner dating can also lead to amazing sex. Yep, the stoner dating community has long known that couples who use marijuana together share some extraordinarily pleasurable times.
So why is stoner dating the new hot thing?
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Stoner Dating Isn’t New - But The Technology Is
First off, stoner dating isn’t new. What is new are sites that help connect those interested in it. Dating for stoners is a new dating site, like a few other stoner dating sites, that help connect girls who like to smoke weed with their counterparts. But the idea of stoner dating, in general, isn’t new - just the technology.
Stoner dating sites lagged behind the dating platform explosion. And that’s for obvious reasons. The main reason being that smoking marijuana has mostly been an illegal act for decades. Until recently, connecting singles with an interest in smoking marijuana might not have been your best business model.
But times have changed.
The stoner dating world is high on momentum (pun intended).
Nothing is groundbreaking here, stoner singles realize that using dating technology helps them connect with other like minded singles in shorter order. That’s all.
With stoners, they realize that smoking pot can be a contentious bio checkmark on many dating sites. In other words, many people will unilaterally avoid chatting with a single they find that list smoking pot as something they enjoy. This is due to people holding preconceived notions that pot smokers are lazy and apathetic.
I’m not here to argue whether or not stoners are mind numbingly lazy or if it’s an inaccurate sweeping generalization; that’s not my jam. I don’t care. I’ve had great success dating girls who like to smoke weed. That’s me.
My core point, stoner dating is not new, but the dating sites which support weed lovers are new.
Stoner Sex Is Mind Blowing
There, I said it.
Having sex while high is crazy fun.
Let’s dive into this and gain perspective.
There’s a lot of science that supports the concept that having sex while high is more gratifying. This goes for both men and women. In a 2019 study, 34% of women reported an increase in orgasm potency and sex drive when they smoked weed prior to having sex.
Men seem to experience a more intense sex drive and erection. And, of course, more sensation during sex.
This isn’t for everyone, of course. And there can be downsides. Namely, some men report that they can’t get to orgasm. But I think that’s for guys who smoked a bit too much prior to sex.
One of the more prominent benefits to smoking weed prior to sex may be mental. For many couples, it tends to inspire sexual experimentation. Many couples struggle to talk about their sexual desires because it can feel embarrassing. Smoking pot helps bridge communication gaps over sexual topics that might otherwise feel uncomfortable.
This can lead to wilder, more gratifying sex.
And it’s leading to an emergence of a completely new stoner dating trend.
Stoner Sex Dating Is Becoming a Real Thing
For some, relationships aren’t in the cards. There are various reasons behind this. Some reasons, such as a desire to cheat on a partner, are nefarious in nature. Other reasons, such as not wanting to settle down while pursuing career or education goals, are entirely sensible.
All the same, many singles just want a sexy fling with a companion pot smoker. But such desires remain complicated on mainstream dating sites that continue to take a conservative approach on marijuana. Again, smoking marijuana remains a mostly illegal act in the United States. Big dating sites must protect their financial interests.
But adult dating sites haven’t avoided the growing trend, rather, they’ve cashed in on it.
Adult dating sites realize that many singles are looking for sexual acts peppered with a marijuana high. This is particularly true in fetish dating genres where singles may have a desire, but feel shy about acting on it - think BDSM, or costume driven fetishes.
Because smoking pot can grease the mental grooves and lower inhibitions as well as increase confidence, it can help propel a person to accept their fetishes as more normal. This leads to increased communication with their sexual partners. At the core of most matters is proper communication.
Free Handjob Hookup, a site that connects girls who love giving handjobs to guys who love receiving handjobs, promotes the idea of girls giving handjobs to while each person is stoned. Yes, a handjob dating site exists. Yes, it’s popular. Yes, the Internet is freaking awesome.
Free Handjob Hookup’s pot smoking guide proceeds to convey a sensual message. The handjob lends full control to the girl giving the handjob. When a guy is stoned, he’s more sensitive to her every touch. This makes handjobs and weed smoking a recipe for explosive orgasms. Handjobs also create an environment that’s more conducive to erotic discussions, something that plays well to a stoned mentality.
It's true - or so a friend has told me.
So we now know that stoner dating is popular among singles who enjoy a more laid back experience. And it’s popular for those who want a more heightened sexual experience. And it helps couple communicate their fetishes to one another.
So what else does smoking weed help in terms of dating?
It’s Cheaper
Yep, dating a girl who smokes weed is simply a cheaper experience. Sure, buying marijuana costs money, but most guys and girls who smoke weed spend less on lots of other typical costly dating expenditures.
For example, people who smoke pot spend less on booze.
You don’t find a lot of stoners running up bar tabs. They don’t make liquor store runs and drink all night at home. While they may enjoy a drink or two, getting super wasted on beer just isn’t their jam.
Also, pot smokers don’t love going out to bars a lot. And bars are a huge drag on your bank account when you are dating a traditional guy or girl. It’s pricey to post up in any bar, even at happy hour. A single drink costs an average of $9.
That’s just insane.
Pot’s effects last longer than booze and it takes much less to get that effect. The financial numbers favor pot by a large margin.
Girls who smoke weed love being home. Couples who smoke weed enjoy watching TV shows and movies or just putting on some music and chilling on a deck. They don’t need the hyper-party world of a bar scene.
Additionally, many stoner couples don’t love going to dinner. They’d prefer to get a to-go or cook. A lot of this has to do with wanting specific foods. But also, they want to be near their weed. You can’t toke up at Applebees, or at least, not any I’ve ever eaten in.
None of this means that stoner couples never go to bars or restaurants. Not at all. It just means they don’t have to on a weekly basis so they don’t end up suffering the financial drain of such social activity to the degree most others do.
Pot smokers aren’t prone to shopaholism, either.
They need for less material things to make them happy. They tend to not over consume or attach themselves emotionally to things they don’t need. They may upgrade their pricey bong here and there, but for the most part, they aren’t at Nordstrom’s sifting through $800 shoes.
Stoner dating is as popular as ever. Much of this has to do with a decrease in draconian marijuana laws that formerly inhibited dating sites from connecting pot smokers. Lots of single desire meeting another single who enjoys smoking pot.
Dating sites for pot smokers are more popular than ever. Even adult dating sites are getting into the weed smoking romance fray.
Smoking pot tends to increase libido in both men and women. Additionally, it can help both men and women achieve more potent orgasms. For men, they may experience an increase in erection strength after smoking pot and may be able to last longer during sex.
Pot smokers spend less money on bars, restaurants, and shopping, which lends itself to a more affordable dating environment.